We believe in empowering students through flexibility in the choice of subjects at the senior secondary level. The students can design their own courses for study, without having to confine to the rigidity of silos like – arts, humanities, sciences etc.
English Core
The Higher Secondary stage will be a preparation for the university, where a high degree of proficiency in English is required and it also is a preparation for entry into the professional domain. The Core Course caters to both by promoting the language skills required for academic study as well as the language skills required for the workplace. Throughout the course, learners will be encouraged to practise their skills in close reading through the study of literary extracts and unseen texts; developing skills of analysis and interpretation of texts, alongside their expression of personal response to the texts studied.
The NCERT curriculum of Mathematics encompasses various facts of concepts; those related to arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry, algebra, commercial mathematics, calculus, mensuration, statistics, and probability. The skill to calculate and organize and the ability to apply this knowledge and other acquired skills in their daily life come along with it. It also includes understanding of the principles of reasoning and problem solving to acquaint students with different aspects of Mathematics used in real life. Students can acquire knowledge and critical understanding by way of motivation and visualization of basic concepts, terms, principles, and symbols. Moreover, it facilitates acquisition of 21st Century Skills and enhances self and social awareness. Throughout their educational career students will develop their understanding of Number, Algebra, Geometry and Data Handling. These are then applied to practical situations such as proofs and projects in order to consolidate understanding and develop their ability to solve problems.
Applied Mathematics
The curriculum also includes Applied Mathematics – the application of mathematical methods by different fields such as Physics, engineering, medicine, business, computer science and industry and hence it is the combination of mathematical science and specialized knowledge. It also facilitates acquisition of 21st Century Skills and enhances self and social awareness among students.
Physical Education
Physical Education is a vast subject and it has been given importance from ages. Modern Physical Education stresses on balanced development of body and mind. The students are bound to understand the importance and total concepts of Sports Nutrition, Sports Psychology, Sports Medicine as well as Yoga. It focus on differently abled, Positive and negative impacts of sports on children and also the participation of women in sports and their physiological aspects. The students will also know how to conduct tests and measurements in sports as they will have a greater understanding on the topic. Not to mention, the students will have a complete knowledge on all the games and its training methods.
Art is an integral part of our students’ holistic learning experience. Through their study, they develop numerous transferable skills and will learn to express their thoughts and choices confidently; apply creative approaches to problem solving and critically analyse their own work as well as the work of others. They will also consider and develop original ideas from initiation to realization, considering aesthetics, presentation and composition, taking risks & experimenting with colours & their creativity.
The curriculum exposes the learners to different processes used in Physics-related industrial and technological applications. Experimental, observational, manipulative, decision-making and investigatory skills in the learners, promote problem solving abilities and creative thinking. Develop conceptual competence in the learners and make them realize and appreciate the interface of Physics with other disciplines. Due care has also been taken that the syllabus is comparable to the international standards.
The present curriculum provides learners with sufficient conceptual background of Chemistry, which will make them competent to meet the challenges of academic and professional courses after the senior secondary stage which is important for students pursuing their career in basic sciences or professional courses like medicine, engineering, technology and study courses in applied areas of science and technology at tertiary level. The curriculum expose the students to various emerging new areas of chemistry and apprise them with their relevance in future studies and their application in various spheres of chemical sciences and technology, equip students to face various challenges related to health, nutrition, environment, population, weather, industries and agriculture, develop problem solving skills in students, expose the students to different processes used in industries and their technological applications, apprise students with interface of chemistry with other disciplines of science such as physics, biology, geology, engineering etc, and acquaint students with different aspects of chemistry used in daily life.
The curriculum aims at emphasizing the underlying principles that are common to animals, plants and microorganisms as well as highlighting the relationship of Biology with other areas of knowledge. It relates the study of biology to real life with technology. It links the discoveries and innovations in biology to everyday life such as environment, industry, health and agriculture. The curriculum encourage learning of emerging knowledge and its relevance to individual and society, promote rational/scientific attitude towards issues related to population, environment and development, enhance awareness about environmental issues, problems and their appropriate solutions and create awareness amongst the learners about diversity in the living organisms and developing respect for other living beings.
Computer Science
The course content enables students to understand and apply basic computational thinking and to understand the notion of data types and data structures and apply in different situations. Students are trained to appreciate the notion of an algorithm and to apply its structure. Students develop a basic understanding of computer systems – architecture, operating system, mobile and cloud computing. They develop the skill sets to enable them to work in the cyber world with understanding of cyber ethics, cyber safety and cybercrime. Students develop the ability to make use of the value of technology in societies, gender and disability issues and the technology behind biometric ids.
Information Technology
The curriculum acquaints the students with computer terminologies and operation handling. The aim of the subject is to make a student understand the application development process, gain programming skills in front-end application development and develop their skills in Database Creation and querying using ANSI SQL. It also develops skills to design, program and develop database driven web applications using GUI Programming Tool and RDBMS. An understanding and appreciation of open source and open standard concepts are also developed. At the end of this course, students would be adept at identifying the emerging trends in the fields of Information Technology.
Psychology is a theoretical subject like biology. It deals with understanding causes, types and consequences of human behaviour and abnormal behaviour. Course curriculum in medicine includes topics from psychology to understand patient behaviour and doctor-patient relationship. Commerce students should opt for Psychology if they are planning to pursue courses dealing with Business Management, Advertising and Marketing. A significant part of their course includes topics of Psychology such as leadership styles, organizational behaviour, understanding consumer needs and attitudes, strategies of compliance etc.
Business Studies
Business Studies is an important subject for commerce students. It is a subject that deals with the operation and organization of modern business enterprises. The main areas of study in the subject include business organizations, their various features, structure and functioning, marketing, operations management, human resource management etc. Studying Business allows a student to observe and analyse the behaviour and tactics of different firms. The subject brings students abreast with the corporate culture and prepares them for their professional life.
Economics is a social science that deals with the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Studying economics enables us to learn more about how the world works as it helps in gaining knowledge about the impact that decisions have on firms, industries and nations, the impact of international trade, both good and bad, the effects government policies have on the economy and on employment.
Accountancy is an integral part of Commerce Stream. The scope and reasons for studying accountancy are elaborated. Accountancy is a branch of mathematical science that is concerned with the financial information about a business entity to users such as shareholders and managers. The financial communication that is studied under the subject is generally in the form of financial statements that show in the terms of money the economic resources under the control of the management. Studying accountancy enables a student to learn and discover the various causes of successes and failures of different business enterprises.