The course aims, essentially, at promoting the higher-order language skills, develop greater confidence and proficiency in the use of the language skills, build communicative competence in various lexicons of English and develop ability and acquire knowledge required in order to engage in independent reflection and enquiry.
Speaking and listening skills make better the fluency, pronunciation and language accuracy. Writing skill stresses on the ability to seek relevant information, lodge complaints, express gratitude, render apology, draft papers to present, express opinions, facts, arguments and constructing accurate sentence structures. Reading skill is developed to create independent thinking individuals with the ability to not only create their own knowledge, but also critically interpret, analyse and evaluate it with objectivity and fairness. Independent thinkers become capable of taking their own decisions in life rationally.
Social Studies aims the interdisciplinary integration of social sciences and humanitarian concepts in order to teach students problem solving and decision- making skills, so they may become proactive citizens in their communities.
Contemporary Social studies in secondary school is all about tracking changes around the globe. Central to this are students should be made aware how and why events are taking place, and how the present world in which we live is evolving. Students learn about the emergence of contemporary world behaviours, historical events, geographical distributions, and political happenings globally.
The present Science syllabus plays an important role in developing abilities in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains in children. It augments the spirit of enquiry, creativity, objectivity and aesthetic sensibility. It has been designed around seven broad themes viz. Food; materials, The World of The Living, How Things Work, Moving Things, People and Ideas, Natural Phenomenon and Natural Resources. At this stage, while science is still a common subject, the disciplines of Physics, Chemistry and Biology begin to emerge. The students are exposed to experiences based on hands on activities as well as modes of reasoning that are typical of the subject. Our syllabus engages young students with exciting material and experiences, motivates them to learn and pursue the sciences in the senior grades. Teaching technological literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving through science education gives students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in school and beyond.
The main goal of Mathematics education in school is the 'mathematisation' of a child's thinking. Clarity of thought and pursuing assumptions to logical conclusions is central to the mathematical enterprise. The skills to handle abstractions and an approach to problem solving come along with it. It also includes a child’s understanding of the basic structure of Mathematics: Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Commercial mathematics, Calculus, Mensuration, Statistics, and Probability – all of which offer a methodology for abstraction, structuration and generalization. The curriculum also provides students with an appreciation of the wide variety of the application of Mathematics and equips them with the basic tools that enable such application. It also facilitates acquisition of 21st Century Skills and enhances self and social awareness among students.
Within languages, our students gain the ability to communicate while focusing upon listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Through their studies they will also gain an insight into, and a positive attitude towards, other cultures and practices. Students also develop the skills to analyse texts to extract meaning through gist and inference, improve memory skills as well as expressing and justifying their points of view, attitudes and emotions.