School Clubs

LFCS has induced proactive clubs( as per the CBSE requirement) with very enriching activities for the students.

  1. ART & CRAFT CLUB: Where Creative Mind Speaks

    – Art and Craft are the integral part of Co- Scholastic Curriculum at LFCS. The Club provides our students, specifically, those who have artistic bent of mind a chance to express their imaginations and find space to self-discover themselves under the supervision of out trained Art mentor. The club trains the students to express their thoughts, feelings and creativity through the various visual art forms. The club also aims to encourage students to come closer to nature and through their art work create awareness about sustainable Development Goals.

  2. ECO CLUB: Where Green Warriors Unite

    – The Club aims at preparing students to collaborate with profound commitment to create awareness about sustainable living. The members of the club under the guidance of the teacher in-charge initiate campaigns to create Green Attitude among all stakeholders within the school campus. The Club also aims at initiating and promoting activities like exciting projects (Reducing one’s carbon foot prints workshop) that help community members to get involved and understand important global goals, such as taking care of the environment.

  3. DRAMATICS CLUB: Revelations of Emotions & Talent

    "Acting is a spiritual journey," said Ruskin. Thus with the objective to help our students to begin a spiritual journey at a young age we prepare the ground through Dramatic Club activities. The Club aims at exploring in an aesthetic education context the notion of our students’ dramatic ability and also ways of assigning meaning to it. Under the guidance of a Teacher In-charge students not only prepare drama or enact literary plays, they are also encouraged to prepare their own script based on the theme close to their hearts. Thus this club provides the opportunity to our students to speak their hearts and emotions.

  4. LITERARY CLUB: Unleashing the power of Ignited Minds

    -The literary club aims at unlocking the true potential of ignited minds. Students are trained by our expert teacher in-charge to convert their dreams and thoughts on important issues in reality of literary works. Improving vocabulary both English and Hindi through word puzzles is an important activity of this club. Students are encouraged to read different books authored by great writers and prepare a book review. We intend to ignite indomitable spirit of creative thoughts in our member students by showing them abstract paintings and help them to reflect and pen down their thoughts about the meaning of the abstract painting. This Club ignites and hones the critical thinking skills of the member students to help them overcome linguistic barriers so that nothing could stop them from becoming a good writer.

  5. The Statesmen Club: Where The  Visionaries  Speak

    – The mission of this Club at LFCS is to provide a platform for its students to excel in oratory and aspire them  to become future leaders with a vision.  The Club's objective is to hone the skills of oratory in our students by conducting different competitions like debates, panel discussion, Model United Nations Conference and Youth Parliament. The outstanding student-orators are further encouraged to conduct training sessions for our young students at Primary Grade. This process helps senior students to exhibit their leadership skills at school level and thus help them to be future ready.