Examination Stress

February 10, 2023 4:28 pm Published by Leave your thoughts
Examination stress

it could be defined as a type of heightened anxiety caused by extreme pressure of exams affecting a student before, during and after an examination. Avoiding examination stress can become difficult sometimes, & because of which results get hindered. It is very common among today’s young generation because most of them are tempted to do other activities or just not invest their quality time duly in studies. Because of which many of the students remain non-prepared for the exams. Let’s have a look at some aspects through which any student would be able to spare a couple of hours for his or her studies and wouldn’t feel daunted about it.

# Take breaks from social media before exams

Stepping away from social media while revising will do wonders for your stress levels. It’s thought that revision is less effective if you study for any longer than about 90 minutes straight. Try to avoid checking apps like Instagram and Face book while revising. We all can experience how quickly the time disappears when you’re browsing & swiping through your social feeds. Try unchaining yourself from your phone by, having a peaceful walk outside or sitting with your family and watching a movie together.

# Close member conversation is a must

Generally, before exams many of us feel agitated to some extent & because of which we lack focus in our studies. Exams can formulate a pressure sometimes which could be hard to overcome. It’s recommended to have at least a five minute conversation with our parents, brothers, sisters, friends or others who are close to us. Because, a conversation can make us get back to our conscience track. A conversation about planning for either a, meet-up or a trip with friends or family or working for the accomplishment of your own objectives or goals for self betterment as soon as your exams get over.

# Have some time for your own

The school age is meant for fun & learning. We all, at some point are giving exams or studying for them. Throughout different stages of our life, we would encounter a new lesson, course or knowledge. What is basically derived here is, feel free to grab a snack while studying or listening to your saved music playlists or even watch a short video of your favourite content creator. It doesn’t mean you were wasting time, it means you’re getting ready for the upcoming exams. Always remember, when anything is carried on for a longer duration or overused, and then it creates a negative impact. Whereas, when anything is utilized for a shorter duration or underused, it creates a satisfying impact. This definition particularly fits for social media/gatherings, games, food and even studies.

How to deal with exam stress: In dealing with stress, there are Dos and Don’ts. The many Don’ts include not being negative or rushed or are influenced by those more stressed than us. The Dos include positive statements, natural breathing techniques and believing in you. After all, it is just an examination! • Structure your study schedules effectively • Set realistic goals • Make wise decisions • Manage your time • Be Healthy and exercise • Believe in yourself Best of luck for your exams, don’t undertake a lot of pressure and don’t worry if you lack full subject knowledge, make an attempt up to your own knowledge. “EXAMS AND GRADES ARE TEMPORARY. BUT EDUCATION IS PERMANENT”- (Anonymous)

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